The Digi XBee XR 868 module is a compact and reliable solution supporting deployment of long-range connectivity applications in the European region. The pre-certified module operates between 863 and 870 MHz in compliance with European standards.
The module supports both point-to-point and mesh networking protocols, with a line-of-sight range of over 14 kilometers. It is well suited for agriculture and energy applications where long-distance communication is required.
Intelligent interference management
Digi XBee XR 868 also leverages 868 MHz and surrounding frequencies for LBT + AFA (Listen Before Talk and Adaptive Frequency Agility). This significantly reduces interference by listening to the radio environment before any transmission starts, and automatically shifts to a new channel when interference is detected. This patented frequency scan occurs automatically and in a matter of microseconds so as not to impact performance.
Accelerate development with Digi XBee Studio
The Digi XBee XR 868 RF module is a complete hardware and software solution that works directly out of the box. Digi XBee Studio, Digi’s easy-to-use RF configuration tool, reduces development time from months to weeks, ensuring your product gets to market fast.