The series of devices are Flash Memory A/D type 8-bit high performance RISC architecture microcontrollers, designed for applications that interface directly to analog signals. The new integrated high-accuracy and low-current oscillators, LIRC and LXT, when added to the four-stage flexible frequency convertor, MIRC, further reduces the 10/12-bit SAR type ADC conversion current. The combination of these features ensure that the devices are very suitable for use in a range of power sensitive products.
The devices have excellent current consumption characteristics. When using the 32768Hz, the standby current is as low as 0.5μA at 3V, while the operating current is as low as 8μA at 3V. Additionally, the ADC conversion current with the slow clock source can be as low as 60μA at 3V. These characteristics provide enhanced solutions for low current applications which use disposable batteries or solar cells as their power source or for consumer products which utilise a passive power supply such as NFC, RF energy etc.