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Alcom electronics proudly represents 3Peak. With a very Western approach to business and ambitious growth strategies in place we offer a complete product portfolio of signal chain, power management, and mixed-signal front-ends to provide customers with all-around solutions. 3 Peak has one of the largest Analog product portfolio’s available offering thousands of p2p crosses to companies such as ADI, TI, Maxim, OnSemi at more competitive pricing and lead time. The below picture provides an overview of 3Peak product portfolio
Contact Alcom for data sheets or to find a P/P replacement for your existing supplier(s)
Precision DAC
High accurate digital to analog convertes, broad portfolio with resolution from 12bit to 20bit, 1 to 16 channels.
Precision ADC
3PEAK provides broad portfolio of precision ADCs, which helping customers on design high performance, robust and cost effective products.
3PEAK is committed to the research and development of high-performance, high-quality, and highly reliable integrated circuit products, including signal chains, power analog chips, mixed-signal front-ends, and embedded processors to provide customers with all-around solutions.